Thursday, November 16, 2017

InFUNgraphics - a brief intro to the infographics unit

After the font unit, I started to feel like a real ~graphic designer~ so I was so excited to start research for the new infographic unit.

One of the readings we were assigned, Dragga and Voss's article Cruel Pies: The Inhumanity of Technical Illustrations heavily emphasized the humanity behind technical images and graphics. While some of the examples they used seemed a little extreme (clip art to represent the deaths in Napoleon's army as they retreat?????), I totally saw the point that Dragga and Voss were trying to make. As an author, you really do have to keep in mind that Actual People will be using your graphics to gain information, so you have the ethical responsibility to give them a holistic view of the information.

And along the same lines, Tufte's article Envisioning Information points out that these infographics also actually have to be understood by actual people. Authors of infographics have to compose these graphics so that their audience can easily follow the information and be persuaded by the information. It sounds like a simple, kinda dumb concept, but if I think about all the times I've looked at a graphic and been terribly confused and wondered what sort of robot designed the layout. 

Keeping the wise words of these academics in mind, my group (Katie Vasconcelos, Natasha Levey) and I set out to start designing our infographic. We all wanted to focus on WPI clubs and organizations, but we knew we would have to narrow it down from that broad category. We started thinking about clubs that really did not get that much PR on campus, and WPI EMS came to mind. 

WPI EMS is a student-run club that was founded as part of an on-campus IQP. WPI EMS students are certified emergency first responders. They provide medical coverage 24/7 on campus, and they have relationships with several ambulance companies that can provide further hospital assistance as well. Students can receive more advanced certifications, and they can also get full time positions as an EMT at the Boylston fire department. 

So basically, they're badasses. One of my group partners, Natasha, and I went to talk to them while they were tablesitting and they're not only badass but also super duper nice! They just started their new recruiting season, and they seemed really excited that we were doing this project on their club.

After talking to the members, we decided to create our infographic directing our audience (the WPI student body) on how to apply to be an EMS. While brainstorming, we thought of the idea of doing some sort of fun word cloud, and decided to do it in the shape of an ambulance.

We decided on the theme "Road to EMS", sort of outlining the road that a student could take to become an EMS and also sprinkling in some facts about the club itself. I'm really looking forward to this project, and I'm excited to see how it turns out!


  1. I really like your project Caroline! I couldn't have thought of a better idea myself 😉

    Haha no in all seriousness, I really enjoy how you gave the titles and authors of our readings, as well as specific examples from the text. You do a really good job of tying their content into the process of designing an infographic. I also think it's super cool how you give specific examples of what your groupmates did in the project; it makes the process much more real to the reader.

  2. I love the background information on why you decided to choose the EMS club. It really adds that personal touch that Dragga and Voss would be proud of. I think that will definatly show in your final product as well. It will keep you motivated to know that the people who you are making this project for are just as excited about it as you are. I find it useful to know the potential certifications and positions a person can get through EMS as well as how they started. This is a lot of information I would love to see on your info-graphic. It seems like you have a very clear purpose in your design and I am excited to see how you elaborate to convince your audience to join EMS club.

    1. I mostly agree with Jessica. I think that it almost gets to Dragga and Voss. You might still need sick people and .a reminder of the dire statistics of a lack of EMS responders in an area. This would get to the consequences, which is what the ethics is kinda getting to.

      You might consider places along the road, such as the beginning or off in the distance, that points to this.

    2. I agree with your assessment about the dire statistics! We definitely need to humanize our infographic, and stick figures would be a great way to do it.

  3. It's great that you are engaging with the club about which you are making your infographic. I'm sure that you will find making your infographic to be more fun because you know the group you are making it for. I can't wait to see how your infographic comes along!

  4. I really like that you're drawing inspiration from the readings - I need to do this more myself. At the critique yesterday, I was impressed at how far your infographic has come and your group seems to be working really well together. It's also awesome that you are publicizing EMS which definitely deserves to be better known on campus.
