For our final project, Katie and I decided to revise our font project, the project we definitely struggled with the most. Professor DeWinter gave us some great feedback on our first submission, and we knew it need a lot of tender, loving care so we decided to take another stab at our design.
Here's our OG font! #straightouttaeverest |
This time, we really wanted to clearly define our influence and explain our reasoning for choosing our designs. We definitely didn't draw that much influence from the Nepali language, instead mainly deriving our influence from runes, the Mount Everest base camp sign, and words hand-carved into wood.
We decided to continue to use illustrator to edit our font. With our defined influences, we focused on sharp corners, sharp edges, and sharp serifs. We used the handy dandy pen tool to trace over our already existing letters, recreating the letters using straight lines. This was a particularly long process in the beginning, but after a while we really got the hang of it and were cranking out new letters like it was nobody's business. We want to add some new elements to some of the serifs, so we are going to meet again later to continue work on the font.
Overall, although Katie and I agreed that the font project wasn't our favorite, we really enjoyed getting to go back and spend a lot of time revising our project so that it is more effective, knowing what we know now about visual design. I think our revised project will be a lot more effective than our first submission.
I really liked the picture of the tree that you included! It definitely gets the etched/carved feeling we are looking to portray. With our new illustrator skills, we will definitely be able to create these sharper edges. I agree that it serves as a warning, but it also could resemble claw marks from the Yeti.
ReplyDeleteI commend you for going back to a project that you didn't particularly enjoy. I think because it was your first project and will be one of your last, it will show how your skills and understanding of rhetoric has changed and improved through the course of this class. Already you are seeing that in your newfound ease of making the letters that probably took hours upon hours to create the first time around. Also, I love how you reevaluate the where the inspiration really comes from. I remember Professor DeWinter, earlier this term, saying that she had to be careful when working on projects because things she just happened upon the day would influence her choices and she would barley realize it. It seems that that was the case with your Nepali turned tree etched font. I think by consciously addressing where your inspiration came from you are able to introduce more rhetorical components and considerations which will greatly improve the effect of your font through subtle changes. I can't wait to see your final draft!
ReplyDeleteIt seems like you have a good plan set for your revised font. I think the wood-carved letters of your new font will be more compelling than your culturally-informed first font. While your first font clearly had a lot of thought put into it, a reader may not be privy to the properties of traditional Himalayan type and the Nepali language. However, I think that your wood-carving-esque new font will likely be effective at conveying "wild/exposed to the elements" to the reader. I'm looking forward to seeing a draft of your new font!